Our approach to environmental and social responsibilities

Our approach to environmental and social responsibilities

Environmental Policy
A copy of our environmental policy can be found here: Letter Box Hamper Environmental Policy

Environmental monitoring
We measure and monitor our environmental impacts in the following five categories identified in our environmental policy: Energy use, raw material use, waste reduction, recycling and partnerships with sustainable suppliers.

Target setting
Targets are set annually against each of the five areas identified for improvement. Key performance indicators (KPI) are set for improvement and reviewed at quarterly meetings.


An internal team is tasked with driving progress against environmental objectives.
Checking, corrective action and management review
At least annually, progress against our environmental KPIs are reviewed by the management team and areas for further improvement are identified.

Key points in our journey so far:

• Removing all plastics from the hamper packaging - our boxes are made from premium card and wrapped in traditional parcel paper. Both are widely and easily recycled. We do not use any filler or excess packaging.

• Partnering and prioritising suppliers with environmentally responsible operations. Principally focussing on reducing packaging waste and using local, British food and drink to cut down on food miles.

• Switched to a green energy supplier - to ensure all our office energy needs come from renewable sources.

• Use of electric bicycles for collection and delivery of light orders on local routes.